DM of the Rings Remaster XLV: Last Disrespects

How to motivate your players: Entice them with a compelling story. If you can’t do that, then bribe them with treasure. If you won’t do that, then let them know that if they don’t play along they will be stuck in this boring, treasure-less campaign forever. – Shamus, Friday Dec 29, 2006 God damn it; […]

Sims 4 Overthinking: Not Going to the Hardware Store

It’s early 2021 and Logan is just finishing his spring finals. He hasn’t stepped back into a dorm or class since the first lock-down. He switched to all online classes for his second and third semester, and he’ll probably do the same for his fourth. In the fall he’s on schedule to graduate with an […]

A Look at Assassin’s Creed – AC2: A Family Conspiracy

So I didn’t post last week, and I’d like to apologize for that. I was in and out of the doctor’s office, trying not to get sick. I’m prone to pneumonia, which tried really hard to get me, so I mostly spent the week finding out what it’s possible to expel from your nose and […]

SWTOR: Rix’larril’an of the Ascendancy

You may call me Rix’larril’an. Not my real name, of course; but reasonably appropriate to blunt or ensnare the knives of the Imperial bureaucracy. Members of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force are stripped of their family ties to emphasize the role of the CEDF in representing and protecting ALL Chiss, but no Chiss will go […]

DM of the Rings Remaster XLIV: The Exodus Continues

Merry and Pippin were about the most underused characters in this campaign. I imagine the two of them sat on the couch playing XBox, and if they were needed for anything they would shout their actions over their shoulder without looking away from the TV. Now that I’ve come to this point, it would have […]

Sims 4 Overthinking: Slurs

Time is moving weird. The first three months of the pandemic move in a weird blur. Logan comes home from college, makes some crochet, learns to draw an apple, makes some online friends, and then it’s suddenly 2021. The new year is celebrated and nothing really changes. People sort of start going out a little […]