Wednesday Action Log 11-22-23

This week I refuse to believe it’s been a whole week since last Wednesday. I have nearly gotten Risk of Rain Returns to %100. The difficulty feels more balanced now, but still harder than the second game. This could be because of my hours clocked, or it could be the items I’ve unlocked have helped […]

DM of the Rings Remaster XLVI: The Hunt Begins!

Players complain so much about having to walk long distances. You would think they were actually, you know, walking there. -Shamus, Wednesday Jan 3, 2007 Bay is sick this week, so I’ve strong-armed them into letting me do this one. I’ll admit as both a player and a DM I still don’t get the walking thing. […]


First up I would like to apologize for this screwup. I fully recognize the irony of my thanks to you all for keeping up commenting, immediately followed by us inadvertently making it impossible to comment. Unfortunately one of the many things my dad never set up was a user management system. So the site defaulted […]

Sims 4 Overthinking: Code Monkey

Overnight, our project has gone from a ‘quick coat of paint’ to a full fledged renovation. Our family has to cut a hole in the wall to make room for a new door in the BookNook, fill in the wall on the other side, and get someone to come in and put hook-ups for a […]

Moderation Changes

Hey there, long time no see. By the time this goes up a few of you may have already noticed some adjustments regarding the commenting requirements, as well as the fact that I’m giving you this update instead of Bay. Over the past few months we’ve had a very big issue with a few commenters […]

A Look at Assassin’s Creed – AC2: Game-play

So I’m a little late on this post due to some life stuff. Regardless, this is an important one, even though I’m between story elements. One of the beauties of this game is that you can go eons between story elements as you just make your way around the game. There is so much to […]

Wednesday Action Log 11-15-23

This week I’ve been almost exclusively playing Risk of Rain Returns. I like it; the changes from the original are mostly improvements, and it has more depth to it. The new characters are engaging and creative, and don’t feel too out of place from the original. It’s more of a challenge than I remember the […]