Diecast #353: Remembering Blizzard

Here is an hour and seven minutes of two guys talking about stuff. You’re welcome. Hosts: Paul, Shamus. Episode edited by Issac. Diecast353 Link (YouTube) Show notes: 00:00 Remembering Birthdays Thank you, gigantic amoral corporation, for telling other people to wish me happy birthday. I’m so glad you’re here, since there’s no way individuals could […]

Prey 2017 Part 7: Who Are Yu?

Morgan Yu has a tough job. Her goal is to blow up the Talos-1 space station, and optionally find some way to escape the blast, and even more optionally find some way for everyone else to also escape. To blow up the station, she needs her arming key. To get her arming key, she needs […]

Diecast #352: Animation and Joint Pain

Heads up: I spend the first 7 minutes of the show talking about weird non-gaming, non-nerd personal stuff for some reason. This segment was originally longer, but I had Issac chop a bit of it out for fear of over-sharing. Also, I had a funny story I’d intended to share on the show, but forgot […]

Prey 2017 Part 6: Meet the Monsters

So we’re working our way through Psychotronics. This poorly-lit maze is the oldest part of the station, and it’s also where the classified Typhon research takes place. So while we’re here and reading everyone’s mail, let’s take the time to talk about the various monster types we’ve run into so far… Mimic Mimics are little spider-like critters […]

Rick and Morty

Hey, remember a couple of years ago when the TV show Rick and Morty was the topic of the day? No? Weird. I remember half the recommendations on YouTube were thinkpieces talking about how the show was pure awfulness / pure brilliance / at peak cultural relevance / a sign of the fall of civilization […]

Prey 2017 Part 5: Getting Around the Cosmos

After the tutorial, Prey settles into a pattern that’s going to repeat for most of the rest of the game. You need to get thing A, but to obtain that thing you need to go through obstacles B, C, D and E, and each of those obstacles has sub-obstacles and optional branching diversions to explore.  […]

Diecast #351: Before We Mailbag

Hosts: Paul, Shamus. Episode edited by Issac. Diecast351 Link (YouTube) 00:00 Google Olympics Game You can find the game here. 03:57 What happened to Bob Case? Sadly, I am not able to cause Bab Case to appear. He stepped away from his writing project here and that was the last I heard from him. It’s […]