“THE Wall” bears a strong resemblance to every other “wall” that delineates a separate area in the Kaas City vicinity. More of a staging area and choke point than a fortress or defense, “The Wall” is nonetheless more fully populated than any previous area beyond the actual city edges we have visited. Shuttles, med tents, […]
-Shamus, Friday Jan 12, 2007 Ha! Nothing like players who can’t wait to take whatever involuntary world-building you’ve given them and turn it into an entirely new problem for both of you. You try to throw someone a treat or pull some flavor text out of your ass and suddenly you have someone trying to […]
So, I was meant to be writing my Sims 4 Overthinking post, but, you may have noticed that I’m not. I need to put something together real quick to explain that Charlie’s series will no longer be hosted here. I don’t know if they’re going to take it somewhere else or not, I’ll let them […]
Finished Breath of The Wild yesterday after binging it all week. Starting Tears of the Kingdom now. No opinions yet, but will keep updated. What are you guys playing?
As teased in the last post, Rix’larril’an’s upcoming adventures on Dromund Kaas will introduce Revan to the world of Star Wars: The Old Republic. I say “introduce” because, despite Revan being created by BioWare for the first Knights of the Old Republic roleplaying game…they were THE playable character in that first game…BioWare had to adopt […]
Nobody wants to play a campaign with Emperor Fred or High Chancellor Gary, and so the usual approach is to give everyone high fantasy names like King Geon’ai, Sir Lua’an-Eradin, or Lady Alaain Mera-Dovrel. You know, strange and fantasy-ish. Of course, this means the names will all be unpronouncable, difficult to spell, and easily confused. […]
This week I’m not doing much, I’m in between games right now and all I’ve played was Mario Galaxy; hopefully I’ll find something to play for next week. What are you guys up to?
Watcher Two indicated the statue of Darth Vowrawn “towered over the landscape, facing Kaas City threateningly.” Despite this, Kaliyo and I had to ask directions. We end up backtracking all the way through the jungle to the ((current) plebeian) entrance to the Kaas City spaceport looking for the right FOOTPATH THROUGH THE JUNGLE that leads […]