The Anti-Entropy Machine

This was a mistake. I knew it when I did it. But sometimes we’re slaves to our obsessions and you don’t have any choice but to make mistakes and hope you can escape the consequences. (I did not escape the consequences.) When you’re learning something new – 3D modeling, carpentry, programming, filmmaking, baking, etc. – […]

Prey 2017 Part 10: But What Do They SLEEP?

A few entries ago I made a big deal about how much I love the design of Talos-1 and I’m impressed with the attention to detail that went into building this world and making it feel real. So now it’s time for me to do my predictable face-heel turn and obsess over some nitpicky detail. […]

Theme Proposal

Last week I mentioned that I was planning on updating the site theme. Specifically I said, “I’d like the images to break out of the column and reach across the page.” Like all theme changes, the only feedback I got was negative. Nobody is ever excited about anything new, but lots of people are apprehensive. […]

Diecast #354: Blender Sandwich

I like how LABOR DAY is the one day we’ve all agreed to skip work. It makes a nice companion to Thanksgiving, where – thanks to the shopping nightmare – is a day defined mostly by avarice and gluttony. Maybe we should add a few more inverted holidays. On President’s Day, nobody is allowed to […]

Prey 2017 Part 9: Kill the Cook

At this point we run into a couple of new monster types. Actually, you may have run into these earlier, depending on how far you strayed off the obvious path provided by the main quest. But here is where you unavoidably encounter them, so let’s talk about them now… Telepath This enemy is a big […]

Sixteen Years of Twenty Sided

This site went live in September of 2005, and has remained running for the last 16 years. If this blog were a person, it would now be old enough to get a job and apply for a driver’s license in these parts. It also would never get invited to parties with any of the cool […]

Prey 2017 Part 8: Yesterday’s World of Tomorrow

Morgan is still trying to reach Deep Storage so she can obtain her arming key so she can blow up the station. At some point during this ordeal, Morgan needs to visit the Crew Quarters. This is actually pretty dang far out of her way, and the reasons for it are a little convoluted. I’ll […]

Ding 50!

The running joke is that every year I make a birthday post about how I’m getting old and I’m going to be dead any minute now. I try to find some sort of humorous way to joke about death or aging and then maybe follow it up with a sarcastic remark about Half-Life 3. It’s […]