DM of the Rings Remaster LV: Does That Seem Right to You?

In the book, Gandalf acted much as he always did in this meeting: Annoyingly Mysterious. You can’t really fault him, that’s his style. In the movie, it seemed like he was just being a jerk. I can’t fault him there either. If I came back from the dead as a nigh-invincible super-wizard, I’d probably run […]

DM of the Rings Remaster LV: Does That Seem Right to You?

In the book, Gandalf acted much as he always did in this meeting: Annoyingly Mysterious. You can’t really fault him, that’s his style. In the movie, it seemed like he was just being a jerk. I can’t fault him there either. If I came back from the dead as a nigh-invincible super-wizard, I’d probably run […]

Sims 4 Overthinking: Nch Ors

It’s to the surprise of no one that the theoretical plan of replacing the French doors with a single door made from half of the original is a messy, impossible task. On paper it looked lovely. In practice, filling the wall is impossible, the door doesn’t line up right, nothing looks good and our family […]

Sims 4 Overthinking: Nch Ors

It’s to the surprise of no one that the theoretical plan of replacing the French doors with a single door made from half of the original is a messy, impossible task. On paper it looked lovely. In practice, filling the wall is impossible, the door doesn’t line up right, nothing looks good and our family […]

Sims 4 Overthinking: Nch Ors

It’s to the surprise of no one that the theoretical plan of replacing the French doors with a single door made from half of the original is a messy, impossible task. On paper it looked lovely. In practice, filling the wall is impossible, the door doesn’t line up right, nothing looks good and our family […]