Advanced Schema Evolution using Databricks Auto Loader

This article demonstrates how to get started with using Auto Loader cloudFiles with Databricks through an end-to-end practical example of ingesting a data stream which has an evolving schema.
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Hype Cycle for Agile & DevOps

Get Gartner’s latest DevOps and Agile recommendations for I&O leaders. Redgate is named as a sample vendor for Continuous Compliance Automation in the 2021 Hype Cycle™ for Agile and DevOps
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The Record That Never Existed (as a committed row)

Introduction According to the official documentation, the READ COMMITTED isolation level “specifies that statements cannot read data that has been modified but not committed by other transactions”. So, one could think that a record returned under this isolation level existed in the committed state at the time of reading. In this article, I am going […]
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Gartner® Hype CycleTM 2021

Get Gartner’s latest DevOps and Agile recommendations for I&O leaders. Redgate is named as a sample vendor for Continuous Compliance Automation in the 2021 Hype Cycle™ for Agile and DevOps.
The post Gartner® Hype CycleTM 2021 appeared first on SQLServerCentral.

Connect to SAP HANA Data as a Linked Server

The SQL Gateway enables you to configure a TDS (SQL Server) remoting service and set up a linked server for SAP HANA data.  After you have started the service, you can use the UI in SQL Server Management Studio or call stored procedures to create the linked server. You can then work with SAP HANA data just […]
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SQL Server VM Best Practices

In this article we look at some of the things you should be aware of when building a VM to run SQL Server, such as vCPUs, disks, memory and more.
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