Dry Runs for Database Migrations using Flyway Teams

How Dry Run scripts work, and how they can be used to deliver a single-script release artifact to Staging, verify placeholder substitutions in SQL migration scripts, and simply team code reviews.
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Using SQL Server sequence objects

SQL Server sequence objects have several properties that control how they behave. Greg Larson explains the options of using SQL Server sequence objects.
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Access All Your Data in Google Data Studio with CData Connect Cloud 

Google Data Studio helps you create comprehensive reports and data visualizations. When combined with CData Connect Cloud, you get instant, cloud-to-cloud access to data from supported SaaS, Big Data and NoSQL sources for visualizations, dashboards, and more. CData Connect Cloud provides a live cloud-to-cloud interface for all your data, making it easy to build reports from […]
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Top Query Search in SQL Monitor

SQL Monitor v12.0 has added a new Query Text Search feature to allow users to search the text of the most expensive queries that executed on a SQL Server instance over a period. Here's what it does, and how it works.
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SQL Server Data Masking: a comparison with Gallium Data

Introduction In SQL Server 2016, Microsoft introduced a new feature called dynamic data masking, which allows you to mask the values of certain columns and keep that data hidden from certain users, without having to modify your applications. Let's take a look at how SQL Server does data masking, and compare it to the way Gallium Data […]
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