Infinite-Scrolling Logos In Flat HTML And Pure CSS

Remember the HTML `` element? It’s deprecated, so it’s not like you’re going to use it when you need some sort of horizontal auto-scrolling feature. That’s where CSS comes in because it has all the tools we need to pull it off. Silvestar Bistrović demonstrates a technique that makes it possible with a set of images and as little HTML as possible.

Crafting Experiences: Uniting Rikyu’s Wisdom With Brand Experience Principles

Whether digital or physical, designing a customer touchpoint requires an understanding of the essential relationship between the brand and the user experience, which is also known as the **brand experience.** This article is a simple guide to building long-lasting customer relationships based on the seven rules of Rikyu in the Japanese tea ceremony for a creative and memorable twist.

Now Shipping: Success At Scale, A New Smashing Book by Addy Osmani

It’s here, and it’s shipping! Meet our newest Smashing book, ”Success at Scale”. It’s filled with practical insights and real-world case studies of how big changes can be made on projects of any size. Addy Osmani has curated finest examples, case studies and interviews to help you get successful at scale. Jump to the details and get the book right away.

Sketchnotes And Key Takeaways From SmashingConf Antwerp 2023

How was the first SmashingConf in Antwerp, you ask? One of our online attendees, Krisztina Szerovay, shares her sketchnotes and takeaways of the talks that were held on both days of the conference — with photos and recordings saved as best for last. [See you live in Antwerp this year, maybe?](