What’s The Perfect Design Process?

The design process is messy. You might be following a structured approach, but too often, it takes a life of its own. And before you know it, you are designing in chaos, with last-minute changes and missed deadlines. So, what’s the “perfect” design process?

Behind The Curtains Of Wikipedia Redesign

The Wikipedia team shipped a redesign of the ubiquitous and one of the [most visited websites](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_visited_websites) on the web. Alex Hollendar and Jon Robson led the work and generously discussed the effort with us in a thorough, wide-ranging interview that covers the design, development, and processes that went into the project.

Behind The Curtains Of Wikipedia Redesign

The Wikipedia team shipped a redesign of the ubiquitous and one of the [most visited websites](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_visited_websites) on the web. Alex Hollendar and Jon Robson led the work and generously discussed the effort with us in a thorough, wide-ranging interview that covers the design, development, and processes that went into the project.

Using AI To Detect Sentiment In Audio Files

Dive into an article where you will build an app that evaluates audio files for positive and negative sentiments. The idea is that you will create an interface for uploading an audio file, then transcribe the contents into text before analyzing the text and assigning it a positive or negative score for how the tone is perceived.