There are many ways to approach a “Dark Mode” feature that respects a user’s system color scheme preferences and allows for per-site customization. Henry Bley-Vroman walks through a new possibility that leans into cutting-edge CSS, with minimal JavaScript to support persisting the user’s color scheme preference across pages.
Whether digital or physical, designing a customer touchpoint requires an understanding of the essential relationship between the brand and the user experience, which is also known as the **brand experience.** This article is a simple guide to building long-lasting customer relationships based on the seven rules of Rikyu in the Japanese tea ceremony for a creative and memorable twist.
It’s here, and it’s shipping! Meet our newest Smashing book, ”Success at Scale”. It’s filled with practical insights and real-world case studies of how big changes can be made on projects of any size. Addy Osmani has curated finest examples, case studies and interviews to help you get successful at scale. Jump to the details and get the book right away.
How was the first SmashingConf in Antwerp, you ask? One of our online attendees, Krisztina Szerovay, shares her sketchnotes and takeaways of the talks that were held on both days of the conference — with photos and recordings saved as best for last. [See you live in Antwerp this year, maybe?](
Collection of top-notch calendar components for seamless event scheduling. Whether you prefer ready-to-use setups or enjoy tweaking code for a tailored experience, these calendars have you covered.
Our next book, “Success at Scale” is finally at the printer, which means we’ll be shipping books soon. It’s also your last chance to get the book at the presale price. Get your copy and save now!
In Part 1 of this series, Temani Afif explored different CSS techniques to create tooltip shapes. The main challenge was to rely on a single element and create optimized code that could easily be controlled using CSS variables to update the size, shape, and position of the tail. In this second part, you are going explore more shapes.
[“Gatsby headaches”]( are over. Juan Diego Rodríguez reflects on his decision to stop using Gatsby as his go-to framework. Through a detailed examination of its strengths and weaknesses, he provides valuable insights and alternative options for developers navigating their tooling choices.