In 2021, you can visit a number of websites that will automatically generate a logo for you in a matter of minutes. That, of course, isn’t how we do things at Jotform. We wanted to create a new identity for ourselves, using our own internal design team, based on how our product and users have...
In 2008, Pepsi hired the now-defunct Arnell Group to redesign its iconic red, white, and blue logo. The agency flattened and tilted Pepsi’s 3D globe to rest on its side, and replaced the bold font with lowercase, sans-serif text. The total price tag? Over a million dollars. Seven figures may sound steep, but Pepsi is...
When I founded Jotform in 2006, I did so with the simple goal of making it easy to create and customize online forms. I remember how excited I was when our first user signed up! So it’s remarkable to look back on the last 15 years and see how this brand has grown and how...
Why do you pick a book at a store or go for a movie? It’s probably because you heard great reviews about it or you “opted in” because something about it caught your attention. You’d go back looking for new releases of the book and the movie only if the author and the director are...
Now it makes no sense to think about whether it is worth developing a corporate website design to create your own representation on the Internet. 6-7 years ago it was obvious that this direction was the future. Although there are still skeptics in small businesses who think that it is too early for them to...
Email marketing is one of the most efficient marketing methods in all sectors. Business owners utilize it to build better relationships with subscribers, demonstrate their brand to consumers, and offer their loyal followers discounts and promotions. 91% of marketers questioned indicated that email was the most crucial way to reach their audience. Email marketing efforts...
Modern businesses just crave traffic. Why? The apparent reasons are higher conversation and greater recognition within the Internet. In this regard, many consider content marketing as a powerful strategy, especially if they have a pool of loyal readers or visitors. Yet, writing content for websites requires time, effort, and funds. In particular, it applies to...
Young and impactful. Generation Z dictates the future of digital business. This segment of consumers is now under the close attention of all innovative-thinking brands. Gen Zers make a massive impact not only on modern marketing but also on product conceptualization and customer service. They shape an entirely new culture of online interactions between brands...