.NET 9 中System.Text.Json 的新增功能 

本篇翻译于Eirik Tsarpalis的 What’s new in System.Text.Json in .NET 9 – .NET Blog  System.Text.Json的9.0 版本包含许多功能,主要侧重于 JSON 架构和智能应用程序支持。它还包括一些备受期待的增强功能,例如可空引用类型支持、自定义枚举成员名称、无序元数据反序列化和自定义序列化缩进。  获取最新信息  您可以通过引用 System.Text.Json NuGet 包的最新版本或 .NET 9 的最新 SDK 来尝试新功能。  JSON 架构导出器  新的 JsonSchemaExporter 类可以使用 JsonSerializerOptions 或 JsonTypeInfo 实例从 .NET 类型中提取 JSON 架构文档:  using System.Text.Json.Schema; JsonSerializerOptions options = JsonSerializerOptions.Default; JsonNode schema = options.GetJsonSchemaAsNode(typeof(Person)); Console.WriteLine(schema.ToString()); //{ // "type": ["object", "null"], // […]

Microsoft C++ Team at CppCon 2024: Trip Report

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Introducing AWS Bedrock with Semantic Kernel

One of the principal features of Semantic Kernel is its ability to integrate various AI services seamlessly. We are pleased to announce that this capability now extends to AWS Bedrock. With AWS Bedrock, you can access foundational models such as the Amazon Titan models. The new connector supports Chat Completion, Text Generation, and Text Embeddings, […]

Microsoft JDConf 2025: Building the future with Java

Technology is advancing faster than ever, and developers are leading the charge, driving digital transformation and reshaping businesses everywhere. With the rise of AI and cloud-native architectures, Java developers are uniquely positioned to shape the future of enterprise applications. Java remains one of the most widely used programming languages globally, with 45% of developers actively […]