We are thrilled to announce the latest enhancements to the .NET Upgrade Assistant. .NET Upgrade Assistant helps upgrade solutions to newer versions of .NET. Whether you’re upgrading from .NET Framework to .NET 8 or just between .NET Core versions (from .NET 6 or 7 to .NET 8 or 9),
A place to party.
Join us for Let's Learn .NET Aspire, a global live stream workshop where you can learn all about what .NET Aspire is, why you would use it, and see how to integrate .NET Aspire into your apps with a hands on workshop.
This blog post, the second in a three-part series, explores how to build a web application with decoupled authentication and authorization using Microsoft Entra External ID and Cerbos. The focus is on practical implementation, demonstrating how to integrate these tools to secure your web application.
Learn about the new AzurePipelinesCredential, designed to support federated identity credential authentication through Azure Service Connections in Azure Pipelines.
It's basically a discrete version of the intermediate value theorem.
本篇翻译于Maddy Montaquila的The .NET MAUI Extension for Visual Studio Code is now Generally Available 今天,我们非常高兴地宣布 .NET MAUI VS Code 扩展插件结束了预览阶段,并将包含一些期待已久的新功能 – 包括 XAML IntelliSense 和 Hot Reload! 什么是 .NET MAUI 扩展插件? .NET MAUI 扩展插件为您提供了在轻量级 Visual Studio Code 中开发 .NET MAUI 应用所需的工具。它基于C# Dev Kit 和 C# 扩展构建,提供了解决方案资源管理器、C# Hot Reload、强大的 C# IntelliSense 等众多功能。.NET MAUI 扩展增加了针对移动设备和桌面设备的能力,此外,借助最新版本的扩展,增加了 XAML IntelliSense 和 XAML Hot Reload,同时让您的 VS Code 体验更加精简和简单。 全新的和改进的 XAML 编辑体验 .NET MAUI 扩展的预览版附带了基本的 XAML 语法高亮显示和自动补全功能,但它与我们想要交付的完整体验相距甚远。在过去的一年里,我们对 Visual Studio 中现有的 XAML 语言服务进行了现代化改造,将其打包,并带到 VS Code中以供您进行 .NET MAUI 开发。该附加功能也适用于 Copilot,在创建 UI 时为您提供智能自动补全、有用的工具提示和无缝代码导航。 Hot Reload来了🔥 无需重启应用就能编辑代码是 .NET 开发人员拥有的最强大的生产力功能之一。在最新版本中,您可以在 Visual Studio Code 中对 C# 和 XAML 文件进行Hot Reload编辑。XAML Hot Reload已启用 –
Just assign them over, no cermony necessary.