GitHub Copilot Edits (Preview) in Visual Studio 2022 combines the conversational flow of chat and an inline review experience to help you iterate across your codebase with more control and efficiency. 💡 Here’s how Copilot Edits helps with iterating across multiple files: Preview with clarity: Review a clear summary that highlights affected files and proposed […]
DeepSeek recently awed the AI community by open sourcing two new state-of-the-art models, the DeepSeek-V3 and a reasoning model, the DeepSeek-R1, that not only claim to be op-par with the most capable models from OpenAI but are also extremely cost-effective. To learn more about the performance and technical details of DeepSeek-V3, please refer to this […]
In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, cost efficiency remains a top priority for platform engineers and lab users. To help organizations optimize cloud costs and management, we’re excited to introduce the Hibernation feature for virtual machines (VMs) in Azure DevTest Labs, now in public preview. The new Hibernation feature in Azure DevTest Labs helps […]
The immediately-invoked lambda that returns a value.
In a world where digital transformation is accelerating, the ability to integrate and process real-time data from diverse sources is crucial for success. Organizations today depend on timely insights to enhance decision-making, improve operations, and foster innovation. To meet this need, we’re thrilled to announce the private preview of Change Event Streaming (CES), a new […]
A short overview, definitely incomplete.
JanusGraph is a high-performance graph database that offers flexibility in choosing storage backends. Apache Cassandra is a distributed NoSQL database known for its scalability and fault tolerance. Combining these two technologies can create a robust and efficient graph database solution. You can use the Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra which is a fully-managed offering […]
本文翻译自Mike Kistler的OpenAPI document generation in .NET 9 .NET 9 中的 ASP.NET Core 通过引入全新的对OpenAPI 文档生成功能的内置支持,简化了为 API 端点创建 OpenAPI 文档的过程。这项新功能旨在简化开发工作流程,并改善 OpenAPI 定义在 ASP.NET 应用中的集成。 OpenAPI 的广泛使用催生了丰富的工具和服务生态系统,它们能够帮助您更高效地构建、测试和记录 API。例如,Swagger UI、Kiota 客户端库生成器和 Redoc 等,当然还有许多其他工具。 为什么选择 OpenAPI? OpenAPI 是定义和记录 HTTP API 的强大工具。它提供了一种标准化方式来描述 API 的端点、请求和响应格式、身份验证方案以及其他重要细节。这种标准化使开发人员能够更轻松地了解和与API进行交互,从而促进更好的协作并构建更强大的应用程序。 此外,许多大型语言模型(LLMs)已在 OpenAPI 文档上进行了训练,使其能够自动生成代码、测试用例和其他工件。通过为您的 API 生成 OpenAPI 文档,您可以利用这些 LLM 来加速开发流程。 .NET 9 中的新功能? 在 .NET 9 中,我们引入了对 OpenAPI […]