It focuses on project management lifecycle process, SDLC process, agile methodology, waterfall model, RAD model, scrum framework & XP framework.
Protecting an ASP.NET Web API from XSS
Steps to enable VPN client on an OpenWRT router using openvpn and mwan3
CLOCK caching (LRU approximation) with O(1) cache hit, up to N asynchronous O(1) cache misses
In this article, you will get an overview on how the coding done to solve the Sudoku problem
Compress, encrypt and hide a secret file inside an audio file (MP3, WAV, OGG, FLAC, ..)
A tool to export and import MySQL database in .NET
How to create an Insomnia-First swagger page, so your API can easily be consumed by Insomnia, all in one click.