News Track is a news tracking or news aggregator website where users can share the content they find on the Internet and give to it certain visibility.
Make your projects far more powerful with some foundational code templating techniques
Most data types have a built-in ToString method, but not all, and what's more, the default method can throw an error if, for example, the object is null.
This is a little templating engine build tool I use to make my code generation projects more maintainable.
Welcome back to a series about learning TypeScript from basics through to some pretty advanced stuff. In Day 2, we learned how we can create a simple class using TypeScript.
This articles talks about exceptions and when it is safe to catch them without rethrowing.
In 100 days of TypeScript (Day 1), I created a basic TypeScript “application” where two numbers could be added together. This was intended to introduce you to get the pre-requisites in place for writing TypeScript code, as well as acquaint you with using the type system.
News Track is a news tracking or news aggregator website where users can share the content they find on the Internet and give to it certain visibility.