Solving Classroom Emergency Situations through Power Platform with student Lewis Baybutt | #LessCodeMorePower

Join Dona in this episode of Less Code More Power as she talks with secondary school student Lewis Baybutt of the United Kingdom. In collaboration with a few members of his school's staff, Lewis has leveraged his Power Platform, SharePoint Online, and M365 skills to build an "On Call " app. The app allows classroom staff to request immediate support from colleagues in the case of emergencies or medical situations. Dona and Lewis will discuss his background and walk through a demo of the On Call app. Call to Action - Lewis shared two calls to action/homework for you. First, if you are thinking "that looks really cool and I want to development something custom in an easy solution, then Power Apps is for you." Take a look at SharePoint, create a SharePoint List, tie it to a Canvas App., and add form and a gallery. Second, when building your Power App make sure to consider your enduser. Try to make the user experience easy. To learn more about Power Apps and Power Platform consider these resources: Free Power Apps Udacity Course – Learn Power Platform App Maker - Microsoft Learn Power Platform Fundamentals – 

Using SignalR in your Blazor applications | On .NET

In this episode, David Pine joins Jeremy to show off this chat bot enabled demo that's powered by Blazor WASM and SignalR[00:00] - Start[01:09] - Why is SignalR and Blazor interesting together?[05:00] - Blazing Chatter Demo[11:54] - Blazing Chatter Demo Client[24:10] - Check out the demo appUseful LinksDemo CodeIntroduction to ASP.NET Core Blazor Getting Started with SignalR 

C# Language Highlights: Properties | On .NET

Properties in C# is such a fundamental feature. We’ll learn all about  them in this short video from James and Jayme Useful LinksProperties (C# Programming Guide)Properties (C# Concepts)First steps with C#.NET Videos 

CodeStories Denmark | All about sustainable software engineering | CodeStories

We all know that climate change is one of the biggest issues we need to tackle. Fortunately, tech industry has a lot to offer to solve some of these challenges. In this episode of CodeStories, we will learn about green software engineering and climate-first approach.  We'll also discuss the recent "Hack the Climate" event; specifically the LandPRO team who built an app to help farmer estimate carbon emissions and mitigate climate change.  Jump to: [06:08] LandPRO demo + architecture drawing using Planetary Computer and Azure Maps[10:24] Making applications carbon efficient[12:31] Climate first developmentLearn more:Principles of Green Software Engineering Computer Software Foundation links from this episode: Climate Hackathon (March 2021) - hacktheclimate.devpost.comOpen source solutions from this hackathon - project winners - Team Eruza, Unit8, Purple PenguinClimate First article

An introduction to the unified Azure SDK | Azure Friday

Connie Yau joins Scott Hanselman to demonstrate the advantages of using the new Azure SDK by comparing rewrites of the same application, one using the legacy library and the other using the unified Azure SDK. In this example, Connie uses the Azure SDK for Java.[0:00:00]– Introduction[0:01:45]– Cloud Clipboard sample app[0:03:07]– Adding authentication[0:06:02]– Common Azure core functions (pagination, logging, etc.)[0:07:51]– How it started vs. how it's going[0:08:54]– Idiomatic design principle[0:10:05]– Wrap-upDownload the Azure SDKAzure SDK for Java on GitHubAzure SDK code samplesAzure SDK design guidelinesConnie's Cloud Clipboard sample on GitHubCreate a free account (Azure)

C# Highlights: Immutable Collections | On .NET

In this short video, you'll learn about Immutable collections from Leslie and Brandon.Useful LinksImmutable collections ready for prime timeImmutable Collections in MSDN MagazineFirst steps with C#.NET Videos Get your questions answered on the Microsoft Q&A for .NET -​ Learn .NET with free self-guided learning from Microsoft Learn: #DotNet #Csharp