OData Batching with ASP.NET Core | On .NET

OData (Open Data Protocol) can be considered an extension to REST that that defines an additional set of conventions  for building and consuming Web APIs.In this episode, Hassan Habib joins Jeremy to show us how we can easily add support for OData batch to our Web APIs[00:00] - Introduction[01:28] - What is OData?[03:20] - What is OData Batching?[09:07] - Setting up OData in an ASP.NET Core project[20:54] - Adding batching support in OData Useful LinksAll in One with OData $Batchhttps://www.odata.org/ASP.NET Core OData on GitHubSupercharging your Web APIs with OData and ASP.NET Core 

Deploy OpenAPI enabled Azure Functions with .NET in Visual Studio | Azure Friday

Justin Yoo joins Scott Hanselman to demonstrate an extension he developed for adding OpenAPI capabilities to Azure Functions apps. See how easy it is to get HTTP-triggered .NET functions with OpenAPI support and deploy an Azure Functions app with Azure API Management from Visual Studio.═══════════════Watch the episode to the end and then submit your answers to our five-question quiz about the info Scott and Justin covered. Eligible participants who answer all five questions correctly will be entered into a Sweepstakes with a chance to be one of ten lucky winners to win a box of Microsoft swag! The Azure Friday Quiz Sweepstakes ends on Dec 10, 2021.Take the quiz! Terms and conditions Privacy statement═══════════════[0:00:00]– Intro[0:03:15]– Create[0:09:20]– Publish[0:12:56]– Consume[0:22:48]– Wrap-upCreate serverless APIs in Visual Studio using Azure Functions and API Management integration (preview)Azure Functions OpenAPI ExtensionCreate a free account (Azure)

Looking at Azure yesterday, today, and tomorrow with Jason Zander | Azure Friday

Jason Zander, executive vice president of the Azure Team joins Scott Hanselman to celebrate the 8th anniversary of Azure Friday. In this special crossover episode with Hanselminutes, they reflect on Azure's history and Jason's career at Microsoft during that timeframe.[0:00:00]– Introduction[0:01:13]– Jason's history at Microsoft[0:08:25]– Microsoft's evolution[0:10:44]– Cloud before the cloud [0:19:38]– Developers as execs[0:23:03]– Azure today[0:25:25]– Looking forward[0:30:33]– Wrap-upHanselminutes Podcast 63 - Scott Guthrie and Jason Zander on SilverlightNew Team, New Challenges (Jason Zander's blog)Getting Started with Windows Azure, the SDK, and Visual StudioMicrosoft QuantumCreate a free account (Azure)

Data Loading Best Practices on Azure SQL Database | Data Exposed

Learn about best practices of loading data to Azure SQL Database, how to efficiently utilize log generation rate and various techniques to efficiently load data into Azure SQL Database in this episode of Data Exposed with Denzil Ribeiro.[00:43] Data loading overview[03:05] Demo[16:32] Mistakes to be aware of

DevOps Lab | Increasing Collaboration with Communication: GitHub and Microsoft Teams | The DevOps Lab

On this week's episode, Jay Gordon is here to walk us through how to use the features in Microsoft Teams to streamline communication when changes to GitHub repos occur. He'll demo how to improve collaboration and efficiency using the tools we have at our fingertips!Jump to:[02:52] Connecting GitHub to Teams[11:37] Committing a change to GitHub[13:42] Viewing notification in TeamsLearn more:Collaborate in teams and channels with Microsoft Teamshttps://aka.ms/GitHubTeamsTDLGitHub Enterprise | Microsoft AppSource https://aka.ms/GHETeamsTDLGitHub for Teams | Microsoft AppSource https://aka.ms/GHTeamsTDLNext-level Collaboration with GitHub and Microsoft Teamshttps://aka.ms/GHTeamsAzure DevOps Docs https://aka.ms/AzureDevOps/Docs​Azure DevOps YouTube https://aka.ms/AzDevOpsYouTubeCreate your free Azure DevOps account https://aka.ms/AzureDevOpsStartFreeFollow April https://twitter.com/TheAprilEdwardsFollow Jay https://twitter.com/jaydestroCheck out new episodes every week at https://aka.ms/TheDevOpsLab and https://aka.ms/AzDevOpsYouTube

Welcome to Visual Studio 2022 – by Scott Hanselman and friends | Visual Studio 2022 Launch Event

Want to learn about the latest and greatest in the 64-bit Visual Studio 2022? Join Scott Hanselman and Visual Studio product team as they take Visual Studio 2022 for a spin. [00:00] Intro[00:39] Why you should care about Visual Studio 2022?[02:20] Performance improvements in Visual Studio 2022[04:39] Why 64-bit now?[08:00] IntelliCode, type less code more[11:35] Hot reload for C++[13:47] New for WPF and WinForms (Hot Reload, Design time data, XAML live preview)[17:20] Hot Reload in ASP.NET[20:27] Profiling .NET apps in Visual Studio 2022[23:19] Cross platform apps with WSL and CMake in Visual Studio 2022[26:07] Testing your .NET app on Linux[28:00] Easily create CI/CD pipelines using GitHub actions with Visual Studio 2022[30:40] Balloon drop! https://aka.ms/VS2022LaunchLearnTV https://aka.ms/vsperftip https://aka.ms/intellicode https://aka.ms/cppinvs https://aka.ms/vswpf https://aka.ms/webinvs https://aka.ms/vsprofiler https://aka.ms/vscmake https://aka.ms/vstesttools https://aka.ms/azureinvs 

Enable advanced IoT Edge scenarios with ACR connected registry | Azure Friday

Toddy Mladenov and Jeanine Burke join Scott Hanselman to talk about the new IoT Edge scenarios enabled by ACR connected registry, which is an on-premises extension of the Azure Container Registry. See how you can deploy hierarchical IoT Edge infrastructure, pull container images from the connected registry without direct internet access, and use the connected registry in disconnected scenarios.[0:00:00]– Introduction[0:00:37]– Conceptual overview[0:06:25]– Demo setup[0:10:07]– Demo: Create a connected registry[0:13:24]– Demo: Deploy and use a connected registry (parent and child)[0:31:47]– Demo: Offline connection[0:33:28]– Demo: Connected registry synchronization[0:37:55]– Wrap-upWhat is a connected registry?Quickstart: Deploy a connected registry to an IoT Edge deviceTutorial: Deploy a connected registry to a nested IoT Edge hierarchyScheduled Synchronization of Registry Artifacts for Shipping Scenarios Using ACR Connected RegistryCreate a free account (Azure)