Doremi Music Downloader 10.8.1

Download All The Stuff You Want.
Doremi provides different categories for music download, which cover streaming music, lyrics, albums, artists, and more.

320kbps MP3 Download.
Except for 96kbps and 128kbps, Doremi music downloader enables you to download MP3 audio in 320kbps high quality for PC and phone in a few seconds.

Batch download.
You can download multiple songs from the search results in one go. What’s more, you can download a full music playlist to MP3 with one click.

Built-in MP3 player.
After you’ve downloaded the music, you don’t need to use a third-party player. Doremi Music Downloader is an MP3 player itself.

Supports 1,000+ sites.
You can download music from more than 1,000 sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, SoundCloud, etc. Doremi enables in-app search, so don’t need to visit these sites in a browser.

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